ZF English

PVC windows market to consolidate in 3 years

22.04.2008, 18:55 9

The PVC windows market, one of the most fragmented in the constructions sector, is expected to consolidate in the coming two or three years, after large players swallow up smaller manufacturers. "The market will settle in 2010 and small players will gradually disappear. This is what has happened in countries like Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, where four or five players control the market, after they acquired the networks that belong to smaller manufacturers," said Cosmin Ionescu, vice-president of Casa Noastra, one of the largest manufacturers of PVC windows on the local market. Therefore, in the coming years, the battle will be fought over the acquisition of store networks, and less over the purchase of production facilities. "It was more profitable to make your own investment in production facilities, Therefore, by 2010 we expect to reach investments worth 45 million euros, which will include the relocation of production facilities, the development of a logistic park, the expansion of the retail network into all major cities, the launch of new regional warehouses, and new office buildings in Craiova," says Ionescu, co-owner of Casa Noastra, together with Craiova-based businessman Stefan Cherciu.

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