ZF English

Rainy weather leaves chocolate producers smiling

15.07.2004, 00:00 14

The rain and cool weather of the last few months have boosted chocolate sales of producer Heidi Chocolats Suisse Romania beyond expectations, making it increase its full-year turnover growth target accordingly.

"We saw 10% sales growth in the first five months, which is a little more than expected; we anticipate at least 15% for June and July, however, due to the cool weather. The June rains boosted sales compared with last year when the weather was hot," said Massimo Palumbo, marketing manager of Heidi Chocolats Suisse.

The company's current goal is to attain turnover of 10 million Swiss francs ($8 million), which accounts for a 30% increase, as compared to the 15% target set earlier in the year.

Heidi's turnover last year amounted to 7.4 million Swiss francs ($6 million).

"Other sectors, such as ice cream and beer have had their sales hit by the rain this year, but things are exactly opposite as far as chocolate is concerned," Palumbo added.

Heidi operates only on the premium segment, selling chocolate tablets and pralines. Sales on the praline segment rose 20%, Palumbo noted.

Heidi competes with the brands produced by Kraft (Milka, Toblerone), Supreme Chocolats (Primola) and Excelent-Kandia (Kandia).

The company has a chocolate factory in Bucharest that employs 250 people and a milk factory in Timisoara. The milk supplied by the latter is entirely used for Heidi's production.

Massimo Palumbo says Heidi accounts for more than 6% of the chocolate market and plans to attain 10%. Palumbo says it is number one on the premium chocolate segment.

The chocolate market estimated at $100-$110 million last year is divided between tablets (about 70% of the total), bars (20%) and pralines (10%).

"With or without the effect of this weather, the chocolate market has performed very well this year and we expect the trend to continue," Heidi's marketing manager added.

Chocolate consumption per capita amounts to about 1 kilo per year, among the lowest in the region. This figure reaches 12 kilos in Switzerland, 5 kilos in Greece and 4 kilos in Poland.

The Romanian market resumed growth last year after its decline during 2001-2002.



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