ZF English

Renault could make Sandero in Pitesti

12.09.2007, 18:50 6

France's Renault group could start manufacturing the Sandero model in addition to the Logan model in Pitesti, which was launched in South America this year. "The model was initially aimed at the South American market, but will also be sold in Europe under the Dacia brand. It is only natural that a model for sale in Europe should be manufactured in Europe. Romania is the only low-cost country in the region and is already making the Logan model," Carlos Ghosn (photo), Renaults' chief executive explained to those attending a roundtable discussion. Even so, some of the models sold in Europe may come from Renault's factory in Curitiba, Brazil, where they are currently manufactured. "If we need to, we could also sell cars made in Brazil, but as a general rule we prefer the cars we sell to be manufactured locally or regionally, because of customs duties," Ghosn added. He did not say, however, whether the Sandero name would be kept for Europe, but if the Renault management decided to bring the Brazil-made model onto the European market, it would be the first time a Dacia car was made abroad. "Romania is now a low-cost destination and is a competitive country in the short term, but needs to be careful. The accession to the European Union has put pressure on cost increases and under the circumstances other destinations could compete and draw the investments. Jobs move depending on the low-cost infrastructure, on facilities, currently it's all about global competition. You have to be low-cost and competitive," Ghosn added during the roundtable discussion.

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