ZF English

Romania, Danone's second largest market in terms of Activia's share

16.04.2008, 20:15 7

The Activia yoghurt range, held by French dairy producer Danone, accounts for 14% of the yoghurt market, with Romania only being surpassed by the Czech Republic in terms of market share, according to information from the French group Danone. Activia has the largest market share in the Czech Republic, 16%. According to a survey conducted by Nielsen research company, the local yoghurt market amounted to 112 million euros last year, up by over 20% against 2006, which could bring Activia's local sales in 2007 to 15.6 million euros, i.e. around 15% of the turnover posted by Danone Romania last year. However, Activia is not the best selling brand of Danone's local branch, being left behind by Danone Natural, according to a Nielsen survey, conducted in June-July of 2007. Activia is, however, the best selling Danone brand worldwide, after it posted sales worth 1.9 billion euros last year, ahead of Actimel (1.1 billion euros), Vitalinea (900 million euros) and Danonino (800 million euros), according to information from the Danone group.

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