ZF English

Romanian brand Synevo goes to Poland

13.04.2005, 19:45 9

Synevo, Swedish group Medicover Holdings'' medical laboratory services company, has acquired a private clinic in Poland, thereby taking the first step in launching the brand developed in Romania on the Polish market.

Last May, Medicover Rombel, the laboratory services division of Medicover''s Romanian private clinics, changed its name to Synevo, thus becoming an entity distinct from Medicover Romania. Poland will be the first foreign market where this brand, which was conceived on the Romanian market, is to be launched. Until now Romanian companies have been shy in terms of entering Western markets. Romanian exports have mainly consisted of industrial or consumer goods, with services accounting for a minimal amount in total exports.

"The acquisition in Poland is based on the same principles on which the brand was developed in Romania and it will have the technological support of the Romanian division," said Virgil Ivan, the general manager of Synevo Romania. He went on to say that the brand would be launched in May.

Synevo Romania expects to achieve a turnover of 7.5 million euros this year.

The market repositioning of the Polish company''s image will be achieved with the help of the Romanian division, with the IT system that is used in Synevo Romania''s eight laboratories also being implemented in Poland.

The Polish launch of Synevo will cost around 1 million euros, the general manager said.

"The medium-term target for Synevo is to become the top company specialising in medical lab services on the Polish market," said Ivan.

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