ZF English

Rompetrol Downstream's CFO leaves for Upetrom

08.05.2008, 20:02 16

Adrian Volintiru, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Rompetrol Downstream, the retail division of the petroleum group Rompetrol, headed by Dinu Patriciu, will, as of May 15th, take over financial operations of Upetrom 1 Mai in Ploiesti, a company, which is part of the Upetrom Group, controlled by businessman Gabriel Comanescu. "I see this position as a challenge. After eight years of working in seven of the companies within the Rompetrol group, I need a new managerial experience, which will be a continuation of what I have done so far in Rompetrol. The time I spent in the Rompetrol family has been the best time for me, professionally, which helped me develop my full potential managerially and professionally," says Adrian Volintiru. According to Rompetrol representatives, Volintiru's successor has not been chosen yet.

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