ZF English

Rothschild given mandate to find buyer for Banca Carpatica

22.09.2008, 22:31 20

Shareholders of Banca Comerciala Carpatica have hired investment bank Rothschild to assist them in the sale, according to market information. Currently, Rothschild is conducting a due diligence process, which entails an analysis of the financial information pertinent to the sale, such as the trend of revenues over time, the client portfolio, debtors, checking the credit portfolio and asset evaluation. Alongside the contract with Erste Bank in the BCR's privatisation, Rothschild also acted as a consultant for Banca Tiriac in its merger with HVB Bank, and was involved in the sale of Asiban insurer to Groupama and of Ozone pharmaceutical company. Businessman Ilie Carabulea controls 35.93% of the bank's capital. The bank is listed as BCC into the 1st tier of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE). Ilie Carabulea could not be contacted for comment by the time this issue was ready for print.


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