ZF English

RTC introduces Kanz and Pablosky

11.08.2008, 18:29 11

Rafar, the fashion division of the RTC group, controlled by businessman Octavian Radu, will consolidate its portfolio with two brands this year, Kanz and Pablosky, and plans to focus on the luxury market from 2009. The two children's clothing and footwear brands will be launched in mid-August in the Diverta media store in Plaza Romania shopping centre, in a shop-in-shop concept, while next year, Rafar will open individual stores for each brand. The company plans to bring another young fashion clothing brand onto the market this year, a brand that has not been revealed due to ongoing negotiations with suppliers. "Apart from launching new names onto the market, our plans include expanding our existing brands. We will open another three Debenhams stores, one in Bucharest and two outside the capital, with a 5,000 square-metre area, as well as three other stores, one for each of the brands we hold - Olsen, Mandarina Duck and Sacoor Brother. The investment amounts to around seven million euros," said Ramona Stanciulescu, executive manager of Rafar.

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