ZF English

X-ray of Romanian economy in the 2007 Business Yearbook

05.06.2007, 19:07 7

The second edition of Romania's Business Yearbook, 2007, includes more than 800 companies and 80 markets, and is the most comprehensive work tool on the business media market in Romania.
The yearbook provides a picture of the economy in the year before the accession to the European Union. A complete information tool for companies and investors alike, the Yearbook presents the top ten players in each of the 80 markets (insurance, banks, real estate, beer, sugar, retail, automotive, leasing, law etc.), providing information on the financial results posted by companies in 2006 and 2005, on the number of employees, the shareholder structure and the contact details of the most important players in the economy.
Furthermore, the ZF editors wrote a brief analysis for each separate market, highlighting the sectors with the faster growth in 2006, the fields in which Romanian-held companies continue to call the shots, as well as the markets entirely dominated by multinational companies. The hot sectors in 2006 were construction and retail, which witnessed an over 30% growth rate. The profits of the major players on the cement market, Lafarge - 70 million euros (gross profit), Carpatcement Holding - 63 million euros and Holcim - 50 million euros, at least double the last year levels and the entrance of the German Rewe group in the euro billionaire club demonstrate, once again, the leap of the construction and retail sectors.
At the end of 2006, ten companies (Petrom, Lukoil, Rompetrol Rafinare, Electrica, Mittal Steel Galati, Automobile Dacia, Orange, Vodafone, Metro and Rewe Group) were carrying out over one billion euro businesses a year each, while the assets of the top twelve banks on the market exceeded this amount. Two banking institutions (Volksbank and Banca Romaneasca) overshot the one billion euro mark last year, the former posting assets of 1.38 billion euros and the second assets of 1.05 billion euros, almost double the value in 2005.
The big changes cannot be found in the player ranking as much as they can in terms of owners, because 2006 was a record year for mergers and acquisitions.
Romanian companies continue to dominate the courier service market, meat production, construction supplies distribution, construction works, automotive transport or pharmaceutical distribution.
Most players, however, are still focusing on the domestic market, yet 2006 marked the start of a more aggressive expansion on the foreign markets. Thus Petrom bought an oil field in Russia, DOMO expanded operations to Bulgaria and the lingerie chain Jolidon entered the competitive Italian market, where it bought a factory and the relevant store chain Infiore. Until the shift to the euro, which is expected to happen some time between 2012-2014, the top three players in each of the 80 markets in this yearbook, that is in the Romanian economy, will have to maintain a consistent presence abroad if they want to have a successful future.
The data and information compiled in the Yearbook were collected through the use of questionnaires, which were completed by the relevant companies.

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