ZF English

6.6m-euro turnover for Apemin Tusnad

26.06.2006, 18:11 8

Mineral waters producer Apemin Tusnad from Harghita county last year posted a 60% turnover increase, to 6.6 million euros (24.1 million RON), with a 3% profit margin, according to data published in the Official Gazette. Company representatives had not made any comment on the results by the time this issue was ready for print. Apemin Tusnad tripled its production capacity in mid 2004, in the wake of an investment worth some 2.5 million euros, which helped the company enter the still mineral water segment. The company currently bottles carbonated as well as de-carbonated Tusnad mineral water in 2 litre, 1.5 litre and 0.5 litre PET bottles, with the water being distributed mainly on the domestic market. Apemin Tusnad is a company with domestic private capital, and its majority shareholder is businessman Gyarfas Kurko.

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