ZF English

Agip buys petrol stations from private owners

15.03.2006, 00:00 6

Agip Romania, the local branch of the Italian petroleum giant Eni, will open another two petrol stations in the capital in the next period. The Italians acquired both petrol stations from private owners in the Militari district and on Calea 13 Septembrie respectively, close to Marriott hotel. After years and years, which have seen the petrol stations network stagnate somewhere around 20 stations, the Italian operator has now reached 26 stations, 18 of which are owned by Agip, with the rest of them being owned in various degrees by the Italian operator in collaboration with other private operators. The opening of new filling stations, although they are not many, confirms the statements of the former head of Agip Romania, Antonio Cambiotti, who said Agip wanted to consolidate and expand on this market. ZF

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