ZF English

Arcelor expects business to triple

10.03.2005, 00:00 7

Arcelor Group, the world's second leading steel maker, estimates it will supply 15 million euros of products to the Romanian market this year, three times more than in 2004. "The threefold increase in our deliveries will be the result of a proactive sales policy and our product range, coming at a time of a fast-paced development of the steel constructions market on both the commercial and industrial segments. Supporting this is the investment in Romania by many of our global clients that demand high-quality steel products," said the head of Arcelor's Romanian office, Doru Ion Petrescu. Back in 2004, Arcelor's two Romanian divisions - Arcelor International and Arcelor Flat Carbon Steel Commercial - generated some 5 million euros in turnover. One of Arcelor's most important contracts involved supplying steel profiles to the second mall-like shopping centre in Bucharest, Plaza Romania, which opened in October 2004. ZF


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