ZF English

Avicod Codlea offsets losses caused by bird flu

29.05.2007, 19:24 17

The producer of poultry products Avicod, based in Codlea, Brasov county, estimates it will post a turnover of approximately 5 million euros this year. The figure predicted would account for an over 85% increase in financial indicators on 2006, when the Brasov-based company saw sales worth 2.7 million euros. One of the main factors behind the sales increase was the customers' general interest in premium chicken products. "The positive trend in this year's financial indicators is based on an 100% increase in the production capacity against May-September 2006, when Avicod suspended its production as a result of the bird flu epidemic, which affected poultry farms. "Last year, the bird flu epidemic prevented us from operating two SAPARD projects worth 2 million euros, which targeted the modernisation of our poultry farms, however, we have managed to recover part of our losses," Avicod's general manager, Manole Dionisie, told ZF Transilvania.

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