ZF English

Bechtel looking for more than highways

05.02.2004, 00:00 9

US-based Bechtel does not rule out participation in other infrastructure projects on the Romanian market, after being awarded the $2.5bn contract for designing and building the Brasov-Bors highway, Michael Adams, Bechtel International CEO told Ziarul Financiar. "We're focusing on the project we won and I hope we'll begin works this summer. We found an interesting market here. We would rather take the step by step approach, which does not mean we are not interested in other infrastructure projects," Adams said. Bechtel has already submitted expressions of interest for the privatisation of three energy complexes, Rovinari, Turceni and Craiova, which need $2bn investments in upgrades, as estimated by the Ministry of Economy and Trade. The Americans at the end of last year signed the biggest contract in Romania's history, when they were directly granted the project to build the highway up to Bors by the Romanian authorities. To fund the project, which the authorities initially announced as a public-private partnership, the State will take out foreign loans that will impact on the public debt. Bechtel's representative said his company wanted the project not to be run like a public-private partnership because of complications that might arise, without providing further details. ZF


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