ZF English

British Airways considers introducing new flight to Transylvania

21.08.2007, 19:13 6

British Airways is looking at the possibility of introducing Transylvania as a destination from the UK, after the airline operator doubled its number of weekly flights from Bucharest to London last year. "Romanian destinations outside Bucharest are important to us and we are particularly interested in Transylvania," said Emil Delibashev, the commercial manager of British Airways Romania and Bulgaria. The company last year introduced a second daily flight from Bucharest-London and at the beginning of this year signed an agreement with Hungary's Malev airline for Timisoara-London and Targu-Mures-London flights with a stopover in Budapest. According to Delibashev, the number of passengers who choose to travel with British Airways from Bucharest to London has increased by more than 66% over the past 12 months. The increase was also due to the fact that London has become a more attractive destination for Romanian tourists in the wake of EU integration.

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