ZF English

Bunge could shut down Oradea plant this month

06.07.2007, 19:21 7

American group Bunge, leader of the domestic vegetable oil market with a business worth over 100 million euros, has drawn up a redundancy payment programme for the around 200 employees of the Interoil oil plant in Oradea, which could face closure this month. "If the General Meeting of Shareholders approves the decision to shut down the plant in Oradea, the company's priority will be to inform the employees and their representatives of this decision and to draw up a plan for employee compensation, together with the majority shareholders," Jean-Louis Gourbin, CEO of Bunge Europe, told ZF. This is the first official statement from the representatives of the American group, after ZIARUL FINANCIAR announced that Bunge shareholders were discussing the closing of the Oradea-based oil plant. "Bunge complies with the EU legislation entirely, and will restrict communication for the time being, except between the employees in Oradea and the shareholders. Romania will remain a key market for Bunge," added Jean-Louis Gourbin.

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