ZF English

Cargill focuses on consolidation

11.05.2005, 20:14 11

Cargill Romania, the local branch of US giant Cargill, which has an annual turnover of 66bn dollars, says it is currently focusing on consolidating its acquisitions on the Romanian market but is not ruling out further acquisitions. "We are mostly working on consolidating the recent acquisitions in Romania. We are however always open to look at potential expansion opportunities which fit with our core businesses, as and when those opportunities may arise. At this moment there is nothing significant in process.," said Rod Sanderson, chief executive at Cargill Romania. Food industry sources believe the American company is interested in a new medium-term acquisition on the vegetal oil market after having recently taken over of the controlling interests at the two edible oil factories belonging to Topway Industries, a business owned by three Romanian businessmen. Cargill acquired the two factories plus the rights to use the Bunica brand in a deal of 33 million dollars (26 million euros). ZF

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