ZF English

CFR's orders triple Siemens' business

18.02.2003, 00:00 12

Siemens SRL, one of the companies representing the business of Germany's Siemens AG Group in Romania, estimates turnover will triple this year as compared to 2002, when it reached 82 million euros, while profit amounted to 300,000 euros.
Siemens' business in Romania last year amounted to 110-120 million euros, as it comprises the operations of eight companies (Siemens SRL inclusive).
"Our company set out to attain 240 million euro turnover this year. We are going through a development stage now and will move aggressively on the Romanian market. We will take steps towards expanding our business," Dirk Tanzeglocke, Siemens SRL chief operating officer told Ziarul Financiar.
One of the most important "pillars" for the growth expected by the Siemens Group in Romania is the 320 million euro contract signed with CFR Calatori last year, Georg Rozinsky, Siemens SRL general manager said.
This is the biggest deal ever for the railway car and engine producing industry in Romania after 1989, and the effects will start showing as early as this year.
CFR Calatori bought 120 Desiro-type self-moving trains from Siemens, which will be delivered until 2007.
Out of the 120 trains, 57 will be sent from Germany, while the remaining units will be assembled in Romania by the partner selected by Siemens for the Romanian market, that is Astra Arad, according to the latest info available.
Siemens might gain even more from its deal with CFR Calatori, because the contract comes with an option for another 104 trains, as well as for handling the maintenance works.
'We are planning to build a cut-out factory in Sibiu this year, set to create approximately 200 jobs in its first year in service. Production will begin in about six to twelve months," Rozinsky said. The Siemens officials expect the investment to total 1-2 million euros.


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