ZF English

Cometex sells 4m-euro space

26.02.2007, 19:16 11

Suceava-based Cometex, a real estate company owned by Dan Ostahie, the main shareholder of home appliance retail company Altex, will sell a retail space in Suceava, the value of which is estimated at almost 4.5 million euros. Before January 1, the commercial space was subject to a lease contract, signed by the former management of the company. "Under the circumstances, Cometex considered the possibility of refitting and modernising the location with a view to turning it into a modern retail space. During this period, a purchasing offer came, for the sum of 4 million euros," stated Iuliana Marcu, communication manager of the Altex group. Currently, around 4 investors have shown an interest in the 2,300 square-metre. "The offer we have received has made us consider selling as an option. At the moment, there are several companies interested in acquiring this space, and we are to make a decision soon," added Marcu.

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