ZF English

E-commerce needs time

05.09.2000, 00:00 10

Romanian firms can significantly downsize costs linked to trading their products and services if they use the Internet as the main instrument to this end. This is one of the conclusions reached by the conference "E-Comm-Line-2000," which takes place in Bucharest between September 4-5.

According to conference participants, Romanian enterprises need to direct their activity to the foreign market because it benefits from financial resources and provides modern payment methods.

On the other hand, the domestic market has not made any progress, clients do not benefit from technical means to access the virtual market and do not trust the new system, while electronic payments through cards cannot be operated.

"The main problem for Romanian small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs) is the very notion of electronic commerce," yesterday stated Petru Lindquist, manager of the Emmerce EEIG consultancy.

According to Lindquist, it is necessary that, at a regional level, centres meant to promote electronic commerce should be set up, and they should function as a market where demand and supply of electronic solutions meet, presenting statistic studies and trends in this new domain.

The expansion of electronic commerce will make it easier for both firms and population to procure services and goods through the Internet, a very important role in this process resting with mobile phone services.

The US ambassador to Bucharest, James Rosapepe, pointed to the usefulness and necessity of extending the global electronic commerce (GEC) system to Romania. The system is used by millions of people in the United States and Western Europe.

"Electronic commerce is a hope for small and average investors as concerns the increasingly obvious globalisation in all fields.

This new type of commerce will try, through cheap means such as the Internet, to develop as much as possible, in Romania, as well, even though the current market does not benefit from a sufficient number of computers connected to telecommunications networks," stated Gheorghe Sandulescu, director of the Automatisation Design Institute.

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