ZF English

Eurisko eyes 3.6m-euro revenues

21.09.2005, 18:30 9

Real estate company Eurisko expects its turnover to reach 3.6 million euros by the end of the year, twice the level seen for the first eight months. "Most of the transactions we concluded involved land and residential segments. This closely mirrors developments on the Romanian real estate market, where demand for these segments is growing fast," said Andrei Panculescu, Eurisko''s new general manager. Panculescu became general manager at Eurisko in September, having previously worked as chief executive at Roel, an IT hardware company, general manager of Xerox, and retail manager for MobiFon. The founder of the company, Ionut Dumitrescu, is no longer in charge of running the company and now holds an important position on the board of directors. The company intends to consolidate its market position in the near future and penetrate as many local markets as possible, in particular the land segment, which, says Panculescu, is one of the most dynamic market areas. Eurisko''s clients include Alpha Bank, Citibank, Connex, the Continental hotel chain and Ericsson Telecommunications. ZF

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