ZF English

Eurombank wants double results

07.01.2004, 00:00 7

Eurombank, the bank held by Israeli group Kolal, concluded 2003 with net profit worth 26bn ROL (about 630,000 euros), in the first profitable year since the takeover of Dacia Felix bank. Banking assets were worth more than 2,500bn ROL at the end of last year, as the bank attracted 2,000bn ROL from clients. Equity amounted to 473bn ROL, while the credit portfolio accounted for 1,300bn ROL. "We had a very good year in 2003. For 2004, we estimate that every indicator included in the spending and revenue budget will double in real terms," Eurombank's deputy general manager Alexander Regebongen told Ziarul Financiar. ZF


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