ZF English

Eximtur invests in business travel

02.02.2006, 21:01 6

Eximtur travel agency, one of the top five players in the sector, is targeting the growth of turnover by at least 30% for 2006, with two new representative offices opened in Timisoara and Oradea. Growth could come from package holidays on the Black Sea Coast, if the weather is fine this year in the summer season, stated Lucia Morariu, Eximtur chairperson. Morariu says Eximtur also plans on opening two agencies in Bucharest in the second half of this year, which would take the number of agencies the firm owns in Romania to eight. Eximtur also has contracts with 400 agencies that resell holiday packages on the Black Sea Coast. "We want to invest in business travel. We are not interested in just organising events; we want to offer full services, this is the most profitable segment. Not everybody can afford to go on holiday", says Morariu. ZF

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