ZF English

Exports and imports increase together

19.03.2001, 00:00 6

Romanian exports started off in full gear this year, as the 908.6 million dollars collected in January were 31.1% higher than in the same month last year and 5.2% higher than the monthly average in 2000 respectively (863.9 million dollars), the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute informs.

The imports also increased, more than 46% as compared with the same month last year, reaching1.15 billion dollars.

Industrial products accounted for 98.1% of the total exports, while the agricultural and forestry products accounted for 1.9% only.

Nearly 25% of the total exports, that is 224.4 million dollars consisted in clothing (either made of various fabrics or knitwear) and textile materials.

Machinery and mechanical devices, as well as electrical equipment, accounted for 17.6% (about 160 million dollars), while 15.4%, 140 million dollars respectively, consisted in metallurgical products.

At the same time, nearly 25% of the total imported goods, that is 286 million dollars, consisted in machinery and mechanical devices, electrical equipment, while ores, crude and oil products accounted for 18.5% and about 214 million dollars respectively. Tissues registered a 16.5% share in imports.

Exports to the European Union countries increased about 36%, registering a 70.4% weight in Romania's total exports.

The exports to CEFTA member states also went up 25.2%. At the same time, imports from the European Union countries were 41.5% higher. The FOB/CIF commercial deficit in January amounted to 246.5 million dollars, against the 96.8 million dollars in the same month the previous year.

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