ZF English

Germans invest intensively on Romanian market

25.09.2008, 20:38 11

Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post and Deutsche Telekom, the largest companies in Germany and some of the largest players in Europe, have made their entry onto the Romanian market this year. Therefore, after topping the retail market and being trailblazers in the car industry, the second wave of German investors wants to conquer the transport and the telecom markets. German companies have this year been the most eager buyers in the transport sector, having bought one of the leading courier companies (Cargus), and being about to complete the acquisition of the largest local transport firm. Romtrans has signed a basic agreement for the sale of the company to DB Schenker, the transport and logistics division of the German railway operator, with the transaction being estimated between 80 and 90 million euros on the market, the biggest deal on the local transport market.


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