ZF English

Green light for e-signatures as of this fall

28.05.2001, 00:00 12

The electronic signature could be put into effect this year, at least when it comes to the ties of the companies with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR), the Finance Ministry (MF) and the compensation Department within the Industry Ministry (MIR

"The electronic signature Law is a capital step towards modern economy and we are hoping to automate the activity and shift to an electronic data flow between companies and CCIR, MF and MIR this fall or this winter," Sabin Chiricescu, state secretary within the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCTI), said at the end of last week.

According to the MCTI officials at the roundtable debating the e-signature issue, organised by the ministry at the Marriott Hotel, the law will be enforced three months after its publication in the Official Gazette.

"We have deliberately chosen this time of the year so that we could draft the enforcement norms of this law. Moreover, we are hoping that market players will send us feedback about the law and its enforcement," said Alexandrina Hartan, state secretary within MCTI.

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