ZF English

GSK could produce drugs in Romania for Western Europe

17.10.2007, 20:45 5

British company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), leader of the Romanian pharmaceutical market, could outsource production for some of its drugs to Romania in the coming period GSK is currently testing the market by exporting a single product. "We started by producing an antibiotic, Septrin, in Brasov, and over the coming period, we will start tests to see if we can meet large scale production. In a few weeks, we will start to export Septrin," said David Lechleiter, general manager of GSK Romania. He also specified that some products could be relocated for good, but this largely depends on how regulations concerning the pharmaceutical market evolve, and especially how the price is set. A minimum price in Romania would lead to the same prices on other export markets. "We are looking to relocated several antibiotics, as part of our plant is specialised on this segment. We could also manufacture vitamins, drugs for diabetes and neurological drugs in Romania," added Lechleiter. The decision on the number of products that will be manufactured in Romania will most likely be made at the beginning of next year, after the test period has finished.

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