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Hard times call for fancy cars - Romanians discover convertibles

27.05.2003, 00:00 7

The difference between the regular automobile and the convertible car is the same as the difference between a pair of jeans and the pants bought from a designer label. The latter are not very practical, but it pays being seen in them. The same goes with cars: after ten years of "car rush," Romanians are becoming more demanding, turning to high-end cars, such as convertibles. Sales of convertible cars in Romania almost doubled last year and the trend is set to continue. How can this be?

According to analysts, there are several explanations for this phenomenon. "A convertible is generally not your basic family car. It is generally the second or the third car. However, there is one small social category that can afford to own such a car, as well," feels Marius Carp, managing director of the Association of Romanian Carmakers and Importers.

"I bought it because I thought it was cute and especially because I had fantasized about it as a child. When I become a family man, space will become more of an issue and then I will probably make another choice. For now, I value the freedom that comes with this car," says Alex D, 29, owner of a second-hand Opel Astra, which he bought for 9,000 euros.

Still, he is not the typical convertible buyer - a person who spends more than 30,000 euros and who views the car as a must-have accessory, which says something about the owner. "I only drive it in the summer, because I have an SUV for the winter, better suited for our roads. Why did I choose it? You know how it goes - there are some things you buy simply because you can afford them," says George C, owner of a premium convertible coupe.

In fact, manufacturers know the market trends only too well. The sales of convertible cars were greatly helped by the development of luxury models, with very exclusive prices, but also innovative automobiles, which feature practical elements and a decent price.

"The new convertible models have a special roof that enables their owners to use them both the summertime and during the winter. They can easily become the basic car for a young family, as they cost only a little more than the original model," Carp adds. The best example is Peugeot 206cc, the best-selling cabriolet last year in Romania, for which the price starts at 13,000 euros, only 2-3,000 euros more than the 206 model.

However, the growth of the Romanian market of convertible cars was mainly prompted by the Western trends, where convertible coupes have been best-sellers over the past few years, also because of the "democratic" prices.

"Increasingly more Romanians are discovering the cabriolet. They have failed to grasp the concept for a long time, but now they realise they can actually buy such a car," Carp adds.


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