ZF English

Head of A&D Pharma: A crisis is no reason to freeze the manner in which a business operates

27.11.2008, 17:53 7

Robert Popescu, who this summer took over the interim management of A&D Pharma, the largest Romanian pharmaceutical group, outlines the company's development plans, in one of the toughest times for the entire market. Popescu has under his management a group which is market leader on three segments: distribution, retail and sales & marketing, with turnover worth over 375 million euros nine months into the year, but with profit margins and London listed shares in free fall. "An chief executive can make two major mistakes in a crisis. The first would be not to pay attention to the operations' financial details, and the other would be to freeze the manner in which a business operates only because the market conditions are difficult. Let's not forget that, in times of crisis, huge profits can be made if one uses the opportunities that arise. Using the crisis to freeze the manner in which a business operates is wrong," Popescu says in a ZF interview. Robert Popescu says the reorganisation of A&D Pharma started half a year ago, with a major part of it already conducted. The main business line targeted was distribution, the largest one within the group.

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