ZF English

Large demand for personal credits

21.03.2007, 20:10 5

Personal credits were the banking services most in demand last year, indicates a study conducted by research company Daedalus Consulting. In fact, results show there was a strong demand for credits in 2006, almost 40% of the respondents said they had taken out credit in 2006, while less than 22% opted to save available funds. In terms of types credit in demand, home equity loans are the most popular with 22.4% of respondents opting for this product. Consumer credits rank second, with over 11% of the purchasing preferences. At the bottom end of the scale are real estate/mortgage credits, contracted by just 2.1% of the people interviewed. The respondents were selected from urban areas and were aged between 18 and 65. Almost 63% of the respondents said they had not taken out any loans last year. In terms of savings, bank deposits remain at the top of the ranking. Almost 10% of the people questioned citied bank deposits as a preference, with the bulk being RON deposits.

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