ZF English

Law firm Voicu & Filipescu expands onto tax and insolvency segment

07.01.2009, 17:48 11

Law firm Voicu & Filipescu has started this year by incorporating Steuer & Buchhaltung Partners, which specialises in tax and accounting consulting, and thus setting up a separate department within the firm, and has also voiced interest in making a similar move on the insolvency segment. The new department of the law firm will consist of four people, with Alex Tabacu becoming Tax Partner and coordinator of the tax and accounting department, Madalina Gatu acting as Tax Manager of the firm, while Simona Rujan is the new Tax Consultant. Voicu & Filipescu is now looking for one more lawyer for the team to be complete. "The current economic conditions have brought changes to the types of legal services clients are interested in, and it is important to have a proactive attitude, and identify areas with a development potential early on," said Daniel Voicu, managing partner of Voicu & Filipescu. The firm ended 2008 with turnover worth 4.5 million euros (according to the first estimates), while its latest projects have included assisting TBIH Financial Services Group NV and Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA in the sale of Omniasig Pensii (the manager of private pensions fund Omniforte) to the BCR Group.


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