ZF English

Major investors revealed

20.03.2003, 00:00 7

Banks and insurance companies are some of the top investors in the mutual funds on the Romanian market, according to the data highlighting those that hold more than 10% in these funds. The information was released by the National Union of Collective Placement Bodies (UNOPC). Fondul Monetar Transilvania (Transilvania Monetary Fund) registers two banks as shareholders: Banca Transilvania and Romexterra. The fund's investments in banking deposits, which account for 20% of its 138bn ROL assets, were placed in the two banks. The fund's management company, Globinvest, has about the same shareholding structure as Banca Transilvania. Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (Romanian Development Bank - BRD) has invested at least 50bn ROL in the Simfonia 1 fund run by its own management company. Insurer Certasig invested a significant amount of money in the Tezaur monetary fund in February. ZF


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