ZF English

Managers anticipate upward trend in prices

31.07.2006, 18:46 7

Managers estimate an increase in prices for the products of the industry, construction, retail and services. The trend is expected to come with an increase in the activity of these sectors, according to the monthly survey of the National Statistics Institute. For the July-September interval, managers anticipate an upward trend in prices for industrial products (a 17% cyclical balance), for the volumes produced in the manufacturing industry (a 19% cyclical balance), as well as for the contracts and orders stock (a 16% cyclical balance). The difference in percentage points between the (% growth and % drop) extremities represents the cyclical balance, which expresses the trend of indicators against the reference period. In the construction sector, managers estimate a growth in production volume (a plus 43% cyclical balance), correlated with that of the contracts and orders (a plus 23% cyclical balance), while prices will see a slower growth than last month (a 39% cyclical balance against the 49% seen in the previous month).

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