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Most valuable companies in Romania

Most valuable companies in Romania
16.11.2007, 19:26 14

Petrom remains the most valuable company in Romania in 2007 followed by BCR and Orange, while RCS&RDS saw the highest increase in terms of value (243%). The values of RCS&RDS, Impact, Alro, Oltchim, A&D Pharma, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, SIF Transilvania and Nuclearelectrica increased by over 100% in 2007 against 2006 - reveals the second edition of the ZF Yearbook "Top 100 Most Valuable Companies in Romania," which will appear on Monday. The yearbook was launched last night in Bucharest, at the ZF Gala, as the newspaper celebrated its ninth anniversary. Compiled in cooperation with investment firm Capital Partners, which brokered one of the biggest transactions on the Romanian market this year (the sale of BT Asigurari to French-based Groupama), the publication evaluates the largest companies on the market, listed and unlisted, state-owned and privately- owned, including banks, in an unique approach. Petrom tops the list again, even though its value on the Bucharest Stock Exchange dropped by 6% at the end of September against September last year, to 8.4 billion euros. The second and third positions also remain unchanged: BCR was put at 6.7 billion euros in 2007, up 11% on last year, and Orange at 5.5 billion euros, up 15% on 2006. New entries into the top 20 are Alro, RCS&RDS, Automobile Dacia and Oltchim, whilst Distrigaz Sud, Electrica Muntenia Nord, E.ON Gaz Distributie and E.ON Moldova Distributie dropped out of the top 20.

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