ZF English

Natural gas prices to rise from July 1

15.03.2005, 00:00 10

There will be a new increase in the price of natural gas in July of this year. Prices are expected to rise by 5-6% following the quarterly rise in the regulated price for domestic gas production, according to the chairman of the regulating authority, Stefan Cosmeanu. A different rise for natural gas of 20% is scheduled for April 1 and will affect all types of consumers. This rise was triggered by the high increases in the price of imported gas and the higher cost of domestic production due to commitments made to international institutions. At the same time a monthly subscription will be introduced. This amount is included in the announced price rise, say officials from the National Natural Gas Regulatory Authority. Household consumers will start to pay a subscription ranging from 4,500 ROL/day for individual homes to 12,000 ROL/day for flat owner/tenant associations. This will not include the price of the natural gas supplied, which varies depending on consumption and the distribution company. ZF


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