ZF English

NBR looking for Iraqi bank accounts

27.03.2003, 00:00 10

The National Bank of Romania is now conducting an analysis in order to find possible accounts opened by Iraqi authorities with Romanian banks. It does not screen any deposit or account of Iraqi individuals or companies, though, NBR vice governor Mihai Bogza on Tuesday said. "We are only monitoring the situation of Iraqi authorities' accounts, as requested by the Government and are not looking into those of Iraqi individuals or of those companies that have Iraqi citizens as shareholders. As soon as we're done, a political decision will be made, and the Government will block Iraqi authorities' accounts if any, because the banking legislation does not allow for such an action to be taken," Bogza explained. NBR sent all the banks a letter requesting up-to-date information on the Iraqi accounts, banking sources said, adding accounts of the Iraqi authorities were unlikely to be found. "Chances of finding certain accounts opened by the Iraqi authorities are dim at best because they are heavily indebted to the Romanian State, so that they would have risked getting their money stuck in Romania," the representative of a major bank said. ZF


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