ZF English

Nokia hiring 15 - 100 people each week

21.07.2008, 18:20 8

According to John Guerry, managing director of the Nokia plant in Jucu, the Finnish mobile phone producer intends to expand the range of phones produced in Cluj, however the employees still have to receive training to assemble the latest generation phones. "In Romania, we do more training than in Finland, but people here are more enthusiastic. N series phones are difficult to assemble, and we have only been building phones for 6 months. Upon completion of the Romanian investment, Nokia will have an extensive portfolio of phones manufactured at the Jucu plant," the director of the Nokia Romania plant told ZF Transilvania. The Finnish group started production in February, whilst the first model assembled was the Nokia 1200. "We currently have 1,200 employees, but we are hiring in between 15 and 100 staff a week, in order to reach 3,500 by the time the construction of the plant is completed," said John Guerry. The number of employees has almost tripled in five months, considering that the plant started production with 500.

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