ZF English

Norwegians build two 71m-euro ships

29.03.2006, 00:00 36

The Norwegian group Aker Yards, which owns the shipyards in Tulcea and Braila, will build two ships in Romania for the Norwegian group Farstad Shipping, under a contract standing at 570 million Norwegian crowns (over 71 million euros). Aker Yards, one of the leading shipbuilders in the world received several orders for the two shipyards it owns in Romania, with orders varying from 30 to 150 million euros. Officials of the shipyards in Tulcea and Braila say they do not have information on the new contract as of yet. "The two ships will probably be built in Braila, but it has not been decided yet," Dumitru Ivanov, general manager of Aker Tulcea told ZF. "We don''t know the details of this contract yet or where the bodies of the two ships will be built," said Daniel Stan, financial manager of Aker Braila. According to the contract closed by Aker Yards and Farstad Shipping, the two ships will be built in Romania and will then be equipped by Brevik, one of the subsidiaries of Aker Yards. ZF

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