ZF English

Orange, good sign for Mobil Rom turnover

17.12.2001, 00:00 10

GSM operator Mobil Rom/Dialog estimates a 15-20% increase in turnover during the first quarter of next year, following the change of name into Orange, according to the company's general manager Bernard Moscheni.

The company estimates turnover worth 340 million dollars for 2001, as compared to the 274 million dollars posted last year, Moscheni said.

"Starting January-February, we will kick off a powerful marketing campaign, while the launch under the new brand will take place around April," Moscheni maintained.

The head of Mobil Rom declined to reveal the investment needed to enforce the change. He would not disclose details about the advertising campaign either, stating however that Mobil Rom was working with Tempo Advertising, as he was perfectly happy with their previous collaboration.

Beside the advertising campaign, the change of name involves training for the employees, a change of the store design and the introduction of new services, targeting mainly young people.

The change of name will not be applied solely to Mobil Rom, but to every subsidiary of France Telecom.

"We want to be known under the same name worldwide," Moscheni said.

"I believe that change is a very good thing, for several reasons: this name can be easily pronounced, it is an internationally known brand, with a very strong and precise communication strategy and a specific culture."

Once the Orange brand is launched, all the services provided by the company will be available under the same name, nationwide.

Orange was first launched in Great Britain in 1994, and has expanded to 20 countries, 13 of which are located in Europe. About 480 million mobile telephony users worldwide resort to Orange.

France Telecom last year purchased the Orange brand, thus coming to own main stakes in mobile telephony operators located in Great Britain (100 percent), France (100 percent), Denmark (53.6 percent), Switzerland (87.5 percent) and Sweden (42.5 percent).

Mobil Rom main shareholders are Orange (67.81 percent), AIG Consortium (20.67 percent), followed by Radcom, Tomen Corporation, MBL Computers and Alcatel.

Mobil Rom now covers 75 percent of the Romanian territory and 95 percent of the population, Moscheni added. Bernard Moscheni estimates 1.6 million users for the end of the year.

The company's activities this year focused on launching the Dialog Wap Dialog Free, Alo Night & Day and GPRS services.

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