ZF English

Over 650m worth in M&A this year

24.12.2004, 00:00 7

The mergers and acquisitions conducted in Romania during 11 months from the beginning of the year amount to $717 million (approximately 651 million euros), 28.7% more than last year, according to the data provided by the professional service company KPMG. The data do not include the revenues made from privatisations. "Following the upward trend of the Romanian economy, the M&A market has significantly increased in 2004 and is now in the accelerating growth period which will continue in the following years. The increase is due to many overlapping factors, which are urged by the economic growth and the view of European Union accession. Reaching maturity of the companies set-up or privatised in the 90's, creates the premises of selling them to the regional and international companies, in transactions of 20-50 million euros, in the banking, metallurgic or industrial property, deals," said Herve Richard, Financial Advisory Services Partner with KPMG Romania, adding "Simultaneously, many Romanian businessmen consider selling shares of the businesses which, many of them, were started from zero, for amounts of 5-10 million euros, either to investment funds, or to local or regional companies." ZF


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