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Police Academy and Finance-Banking register the most student applications

28.07.2008, 18:22 14

The fiercest competition over college places in Bucharest, with five or six people vying for one spot, was registered by the Police Academy and the Finance-Banking Faculty of the Academy of Economic Studies (ASE), according to data concerning this summer's college admission exams.
A high level of competition, put at some 8 candidates for one spot, was registered for admission to the Journalism and Communication Science Faculty, which will be held this autumn.
The Police Academy saw, on average, 6.3 people competing for one place and the Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Markets Faculty of ASE registered an average of 5.45 candidates. A total of 3,000 people competed for 550 openings at the Finance department. ASE offered more than 5,300 openings for students at this year's admission exams, across all fields, after almost 7,000 candidates competed in the race.
Candidates that registered for the admission exam were offered to choose from several specialties and then assigned one depending on their average exam grades.
"This year we had around 22,500 options. Most of the candidates opted for finance, marketing, international economic relations and management," says Gheorghe Rosca, ASE rector.
Bank employees and pilots are among the highest-paid employees in the economy, with a net average salary of around 1,000 euros, according to the National Statistics Institute data.
The heavy competition for a place at the Police Academy can be explained by the high incomes of employees that work for the Interior Ministry, as well as the guaranteed job security. An officer fresh out of school makes around 600 euros a month in net amount.
Also in high demand was a place at the Faculty of Dentistry at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Overall, 346 candidates applied for 100 available places, which means an average of 3.46 people competed for one spot.
The representatives of the faculty explained that competition was not as high as last year, when 400 people vied over 100 places.
All in all, 1,933 people registered for the admission exams for 1,230 openings at the three faculties of Carol Davila University, namely a little more than 1.5 candidates/spot.
The lack of interest from young people in such a school is due to the fact that after a lengthy college education, the net salary a fresh graduate receives is only 200-300 euros.
That is why many choose to work abroad, where they get paid salaries that are sometimes ten-times higher than in Romania.
Although experts anticipate a severe shortage of engineers over the coming period, around 8,000 candidates applied for around 6,000 openings at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
The Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology faculty anticipates an average of 1.2 people to compete for one spot, while the estimated figure for the Engineering and Technological Systems Management faculty stands at 1.5 people.

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