ZF English

Policolor results paint rosy picture

02.11.2004, 00:00 6

Paint and varnish producer Policolor Bucharest made 1.7 million euros in net profits in the first nine months of this year, with a turnover oft 17.7 million euros. Both indicators represent an increase of 13% on figures for the same time last year. The company has managed to almost double its turnover and profits in only three months, as sales of paint and varnish are "pulled up" by the increase in demand on the construction market, Policolor representatives said. "I think we managed to outperform the market, which is feeling the growth on the constructions market. We also launched new products this year and had a good response from the market," said Dumitru Popescu, Policolor administrator. He added that the company had made slightly more money than that initially scheduled in the budget, saying that the sales season might extend till December this year. ZF


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