ZF English

Privatisation of tourism assets could happen in 2001

29.05.2000, 00:00 10

Privatisation of tourism commercial companies might be finalised in the year 2001, in line with the action plan related to the tourism section in the national strategy for medium-term economic development, presented on Thursday during a press conference by the National Tourism Authority (ANT).

In line with ANT informative data, there are six large companies left to be privatised (with a share capital worth over 50 billion lei), of which two shore companies (Mamaia SA, Neptun-Olimp SA), two health resorts (Turism Felix SA, Hercules SA), while the last two are headquartered in Bucharest (BTT SA, Bucuresti Turism SA).

At the same time, there are another 16 middle-sized companies (with a share capital ranging between 10 and 50 billion lei, five shore ones, six health resorts and five in different areas of the country) and 47 small-sized companies (which a share capital below 10 billion lei, of which 15 shore companies, six health resorts and 26 in various regions of the country).

The total share capital of commercial tourism companies amounts to 1,955 billion lei, of which 646 billion lei account for share capital to be privatised (by SOF).

Scheduled to be finalised by the end of this year, privatisation will last by 2001 at the earliest, because the transfer of tourist bases into private ownership is blocked by what can be called "double property," namely the existence of several owners claiming in court a real estate unit or an asset.

These irregularities also led to trials which are hampering the privatisation process. "We are seeking solutions to compensate those who hold ownership documents dating before the year 1948, so that conflicts should be solved," stated Dumitru Moinescu, ANT chairman.

ANT official stated that the sale of tourism assets would be boosted after the Government approves a normative document issued by ANT. The first step to this direction was made two weeks ago when a decision was approved, on the privatisation of health resorts. The regulation stipulates the setting up of some privatisation commissions for each resort, made up of representatives of SOF, of the Health Ministry, of ANT and of the National Agency for Regional Development.

According to the action plan for tourism, the asset offsetting process between SOF and SIF is estimated to be finalised in the year 2001, as well. This is another reason why privatisation processes are posting delays.

The same document includes as objectives the development of a boosting programme for small and middle-sized companies in the tourism sector, the setting up of European touristic standards in some touristic regions or resorts, the transfer from image promotion to product promotion.

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