ZF English

Prodvinalco turns production facilities into real estate projects

17.03.2008, 19:03 18

Cluj-based spirits maker Prodvinalco will begin three real estate projects in Cluj-Napoca, worth approximately 9 million euros, following in the footsteps of other companies in Cluj, such as Farmec, Napochim and Fimaro, which have turned their former production facilities into residential areas. The projects, which are now pending construction permits, include a real estate complex that will comprise retail space, office space and homes in the centre of the city. The project will be developed on 2,725 square metres, currently occupied by storage space. The complex will comprise 3 buildings, two of which will be 6-storey high and another 5-storeys. The overall built area will be 9,120 square metres, with investments worth 5.5 million euros, according to estimates made by sources on the real estate market in Cluj. The largest part of the complex has been allocated for residential space, (approximately 4,410 square metres), while office space will take up 2,765 square metres, and retail space 2,215 square metres. The other important project started by Prodvinalco will be built close to the company's headquarters, which is located in the city centre. This project will comprise five buildings, with a total surface area of 5,978 square metres. The third project will be entirely residential.

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