ZF English

Puscas urges producers to register trademarks

14.05.2003, 00:00 4

Romania's Negotiator for EU Vasile Puscas has requested the Romanian producers to make up their minds about the trademarks of the products, which Romania wants to introduce on the European Union market. Puscas urged the Romanian producers to register the trademarks of the traditional Romanian products with the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM), warning them it would be impossible for Romania to negotiate its traditional products with the EU in the absence of this registration. "We want to negotiate the best terms we can get for the Romanian producers, so that they could sell their traditional products (cheese, meat products, alcoholic beverages etc.) on the EU market. To that end, the producers need to become involved in this, as well. The first thing they have to do is register their trademarks (product name, content and production process) with OSIM," Puscas said. ZF


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