ZF English

Raraul expects rise in 2005

01.06.2005, 19:03 10

Dairy products company Raraul CÃ¥mpulung Moldovenesc has forecast a 6.7 million euro turnover for this year (255bn ROL), up nearly 10% on last yeara??s 6 million euros (240bn ROL). Industry sources say Dutch company Friesland could be interested in acquiring Raraul, though company officials have denied the rumours. a??We will remain an independent Romanian company and do not want to discuss this topic for at least another five years,a?? said Mihai Vranau, the general manager of Raraul CÃ¥mpulung Moldovenesc. Friesland officials were unavailable for comment. Vranau is looking on last yeara??s sales as neither spectacular, nor below expectations. a??It wasna??t a formidable year, but neither did we miss our targets. In addition, we also had the consequences of 2 million euros in investments.a?? He added that the company would focus on fresh products and tapping into the Transilvanian market this year. a??We are very interested in Transilvania, where there is a very high concentration of players.a?? Raraul makes powdered milk, butter and cheese. ZF

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