ZF English

Rolast breaks even this year

16.10.2003, 00:00 7

Synthetic rubber parts maker Rolast Pitesti estimates about 1.3 million euro gross profit for this year, compared to the losses over the last two years, Alexandru Bobeica, commercial manager of the company said. Public Finance Ministry data show the company to have concluded the last two years with 46bn ROL in total losses. "The investments we made in the last couple of years have enabled us to export more and post a higher turnover, so that we estimate we will become profitable by yearend. This year, exports will account for 50% of the revenue volume compared with 35% a year ago. Exports in the first nine months amounted to some 9 million euros, 1.5 million euros more than in the same time in 2002," Bobeica added. ZF


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