ZF English

Romania is one of the few growing markets for British Airways

30.11.2008, 18:16 9

So far, British Airways has not recorded lower traffic to and from Romania amid the financial crisis, with Romania being one of the few markets that has registered a positive trend. "For the time being, Romania has not recorded traffic declines due to the crisis. Romania is one of the few markets with very positive growth, considering that traffic was up 40% during summer, when we had a third daily flight on the Bucharest-London route," said Darren Peek, BA's commercial manager for East Central Europe and North Africa. Although the company gave up its third daily flight on the Bucharest-London route, it will be reintroduced next summer."For next summer, the British Airways network as a whole will see 1% fewer flights, whilst before the crisis, we were expecting growth. In Romania, however, we will preserve all our flights," added Peek.

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