ZF English

Romania, third destination for EBRD investments

12.02.2003, 00:00 8

Romania ranks third in terms of EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) investments (cumulative commitments), with 2.017bn euros throughout 1991-2001, but ninth in terms of per capita investments, behind countries such as Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. The data are included in EBRD's activity report presented by the European Parliament. As regards the investment volume throughout EBRD's first ten years in business, Romania got 9.97% of the total amounts allocated (20.2bn euros). The only countries that got more money than Romania are Poland (2.56bn euros - 12.7%) and the Russian Federation (4.27bn euros - 21.1%). The per capita level is 83% higher than the average, yet much below the level in the other states that got lower financing in absolute volume. The highest per capita level was registered by Estonia, namely 5.36 times higher than the average, even though the bank has invested only 367 million euros in this country. Next in line are Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Latvia, Hungary, Macedonia and Lithuania. Still, in terms of EBRD's cumulative commitments per capita, Romania ranks above other countries, such as the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Bosnia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Moldova. The European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs supports the EBRD involvement in financing small and medium-sized enterprises, saying it is not the bank's role to lend the major multinationals. ZF


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