ZF English

Romexterra posts 6.2m-euro profit

08.02.2006, 21:00 9

Romexterra Bank closed last year with a gross profit of over 6.2 million euros (22.7 million RON), 120% higher in RON than the profit posted in 2004, according to its representatives. The total assets of Romexterra Bank grew by 154% compared with last year, reaching 289 million euros (over 1 billion RON). Romexterra Bank issued over 100,000 cards during the course of last year, with the value of transactions reaching 120.4 million euros (over 436 billion RON). The bank intends to expand its territorial network this year by 20 branches, to reach a total of 60 branches, at least half of which will be opened in the capital. The bank''s share capital stands at over 33.3 million euros (120 million RON). Romexterra''s shareholders are Petrom, which owns 2% of the shares, companies from the methane gas industry, with 3.2337% of the shares, private legal entities, with 17.6347% and individuals, controlling 77.1316% of the shares. At the end of last year, Romexterra sold 38% in Petroas to Delta Asigurari for 520,000 euros (1.9 million RON), with the deal concluded at the par value of the shares. Delta and Romexterra signed a progressive-type contract, which means Delta has the right to make further share acquisitions. Petroas was established in 1998 and its share capital stands at more than 1.38 million euros (5 million RON), set to be increased to some 2.2 million euros (8 million RON) by mid this year. Delta Asigurari was set up in 2003 and operates on the life insurance market. ZF

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